Поправка к Конституции: Метод голосования Кондорсе (против клонов SSD)

Временная шкала

Выдвинуто: 16 мая 2003
Начало обсуждения: пятница, 16 мая 2003, 23:59:59 по Гринвичу
Приглашение голосовать : пятница, 6 июня 2003, 23:59:59 по Гринвичу
Окончание голосования: пятница, 20 июня 2003, 23:59:59 по Гринвичу

Выдвигающий предложение

Маной Сривастава (Manoj Srivastava) [[email protected]]

Поддерживающий предложение

  1. Джоэл Бэйкер (Joel Baker) [[email protected]]
  2. Колин Уолтерз (Colin Walters) [[email protected]]
  3. Бен Коллинз (Ben Collins) [[email protected]]
  4. Саймон Лоу (Simon Law) [[email protected]]
  5. Фабио Массимо ди Нитто (Fabio Massimo Di Nitto) [[email protected]]
  6. Бас Зоэтекоув (Bas Zoetekouw) [[email protected]]
  7. Цезарь Мендоза (Cesar Mendoza) [[email protected]]
  8. Гвидо Троттер (Guido Trotter) [[email protected]]
  9. Тэйлор К. Карпентер (Taylor C. Carpenter) [[email protected]]
  10. Иэн Джексон (Ian Jackson) [[email protected]]


В ответ на соответствующие запросы Будда Бак (Buddha Buck) составил краткое описание предназначения данного Общего решения. Собственно текст Решения:

В п. 4.2 Процедура [принятия разработчиками общего решения
или выборов] изложить пп. 3 в следующей редакции:

    3. Votes are taken by the Project Secretary. Votes, tallies, and
       results are not revealed during the voting period; after the
       vote the Project Secretary lists all the votes cast. The voting
       period is 2 weeks, but may be varied by up to 1 week by the
       Project Leader.


В п. 5.2 Назначение лидера проекта изложить пп. 7 в следующей редакции:

    7. The decision will be made using the method specified in section
       A.6 of the Standard Resolution Procedure.  The quorum is the
       same as for a General Resolution (s.4.2) and the default
       option is "None Of The Above".


В п. 6.1 Полномочия [технического комитета] изложить пп. 7 в следующей

    7. Appoint the Chairman of the Technical Committee.  The Chairman
       is elected by the Committee from its members. All members of
       the committee are automatically nominated; the committee votes
       starting one week before the post will become vacant (or
       immediately, if it is already too late). The members may vote
       by public acclamation for any fellow committee member,
       including themselves; there is no default option. The vote
       finishes when all the members have voted, or when the voting
       period has ended. The result is determined using the method
       specified in section A.6 of the Standard Resolution Procedure.


В п. A.2 Приглашение голосовать изложить пп. 2 и 4 в следующей редакции:

    2. The proposer or any sponsor of a resolution may call for a vote on that
       resolution and all related amendments.
    4. The minimum discussion period is counted from the time the last
       formal amendment was accepted, or since the whole resolution
       was proposed if no amendments have been proposed and accepted.


Изложить п. A.3 в следующей редакции:

  A.3. Voting procedure

    1. Each resolution and its related amendments is voted on in a
       single ballot that includes an option for the original
       resolution, each amendment, and the default option (where
    2. The default option must not have any supermajority requirements.
       Options which do not have an explicit supermajority requirement
       have a 1:1 majority requirement.
    3. The votes are counted according to the rules in A.6.  The
       default option is "Further Discussion", unless specified
    4. In cases of doubt the Project Secretary shall decide on matters
       of procedure.


Изложить п. A.5 в следующей редакции:

  A.5. Expiry

   If a proposed resolution has not been discussed, amended, voted on or
   otherwise dealt with for 4 weeks the secretary may issue a statement
   that the issue is being withdrawn.  If none of the sponsors of any
   of the proposals object within a week, the issue is withdrawn.

   The secretary may also include suggestions on how to proceed,
   if appropriate.


Изложить п. A.6 в следующей редакции:

   A.6 Vote Counting

     1. Each voter's ballot ranks the options being voted on.  Not all
        options need be ranked.  Ranked options are considered
        preferred to all unranked options.  Voters may rank options
        equally.  Unranked options are considered to be ranked equally
        with one another.  Details of how ballots may be filled out
        will be included in the Call For Votes.
     2. If the ballot has a quorum requirement R any options other
        than the default option which do not receive at least R votes
        ranking that option above the default option are dropped from
     3. Any (non-default) option which does not defeat the default option
        by its required majority ratio is dropped from consideration.
        a. Given two options A and B, V(A,B) is the number of voters
           who prefer option A over option B.
        b. An option A defeats the default option D by a majority
           ratio N, if V(A,D) is strictly greater than N * V(D,A).
        c. If a supermajority of S:1 is required for A, its majority ratio
           is S; otherwise, its majority ratio is 1.
     4. From the list of undropped options, we generate a list of
        pairwise defeats.
        a. An option A defeats an option B, if V(A,B) is strictly greater
           than V(B,A).
     5. From the list of [undropped] pairwise defeats, we generate a
        set of transitive defeats.
        a. An option A transitively defeats an option C if A defeats
           C or if there is some other option B where A defeats B AND
           B transitively defeats C.
     6. We construct the Schwartz set from the set of transitive defeats.
        a. An option A is in the Schwartz set if for all options B,
           either A transitively defeats B, or B does not transitively
           defeat A.
     7. If there are defeats between options in the Schwartz set,
        we drop the weakest such defeats from the list of pairwise
        defeats, and return to step 5.
        a. A defeat (A,X) is weaker than a defeat (B,Y) if V(A,X)
           is less than V(B,Y).  Also, (A,X) is weaker than (B,Y) if
           V(A,X) is equal to V(B,Y) and V(X,A) is greater than V(Y,B).
        b. A weakest defeat is a defeat that has no other defeat weaker
           than it.  There may be more than one such defeat.
     8. If there are no defeats within the Schwartz set, then the winner
        is chosen from the options in the Schwartz set.  If there is
        only one such option, it is the winner. If there are multiple
        options, the elector with the casting vote chooses which of those
        options wins.

     RATIONALE: Options which the voters rank above the default option
     are options they find acceptable.  Options ranked below the default
     options are options they find unacceptable.






При 804 разработчиках Q=14.1774468788, что даёт кворум 42.5323406364 или, округляя к большему, 43.

Данные и статистика

В течение периода голосования периодически собирается некоторая статистика по голосам и заявлениям. Кроме того, доступен список учтённых голосов. Также опубликован лист учёта.


Всего подано 160 уникальных голосов. За данное решение подано 144 голоса, что значительно больше требуемых 42,53 (превышает кворум в 3.3856589 раз). Число голосов, поданных против решения, 16. Решение принято с соотношением голосов 9:1, вместо требуемого большинства 3:1.
Решение принято.

Маной Сривастава (Manoj Srivastava)